Every year Layshala give the following awards. For the year 2021 – 22 
1.Dr. Uday Kumar Godbole Awards – Guru Jayanti Mala Mishra.
2. Indira Bai Godbole Award  – to the students who pursue their hobbies managing their domestic duties – a) Dipali Auty , b) Nikita Jagtap.
3. Best student award – Chinmay Deokule & Swaroopa Joshi.
4. Suraj Waghmode was facilitated for his contribution in the promotion of Folk dance courses.
5. The famous writer – Rajendra Pol from sangli and Play Director -Prashant Jagtap from Sangli were facilitated for their extraordinary contribution in designing the play Mahan Raja Vikramaditya.

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